“Four Dead in Ohio”

What are you afraid of Donnie?

More to the point what are you hoping for. You want to shoot some college kids to show the world what a big strong man you are?

Don’t worry sweet cheeks, we won’t have any “illegal protests” we will gather peacefully, like those patriot friends of yours did on Jan 6, you know, just to take a little tour of your office.

Though I am a little confused, maybe you could help. One of those stupid assholes you pardoned for that “peaceful” and *totally not Illegal* protest on Jan 6 was shot and killed by police yesterday during a traffic stop, totally unfair btw!

He was just convicted felon committing a felony traffic violation at the time, and reached for a gun, which was of course another felony cause, as you know being a fellow felon, felons cant own guns, but who could blame him for thinking that daddy’s get out of jail free card didn’t cover subsequent felonies?!

Anyway, before that nasty policeman shot him he said and I quote:

“Just wanted to let you know, uh, I’m a January 6th defendant, I stormed the capitol and I’m uh, waiting on my pardon….”

“Stormed the capitol”

He meant “Protested peacefully and *totally* legally” right?”

I just want to be sure because when you just threatened to throw people in jail for “illegal protests” i wanted to make sure that bashing in the windows of the capitol and shitting on the desks was still peaceful and legal in your oh so swine like little eyes.

These aren’t the words of a strong man, hell they aren’t even your words. Though I believe they reflect your sentiments. You have not been able to string together a coherent sentence in ten years, so you have staff that write in your style for you.

Ice is getting thin isn’t it? I think you are starting to sweat because America might wake up and do something before it’s too late.


It Wasn’t Always Like This