It Wasn’t Always Like This
It hasn’t always been this way. American politics in my lifetime have shifted dramatically toward right wing extremism, and no I’m not being unfair by refusing to say “political extremism”
The left wing of American politics hasn’t become anymore left, it’s stayed pretty much where it’s been since the 80’s when I became politically aware. I wish it *would* be more left leaning as any student of global politics sees the American left wing as pretty much an overlap with their own right wing.
But I want to highlight a particular election, that of McCain and Obama. I wanted Obama to win, I campaigned for him, that was my guy.
I wasn’t fearful that a McCain presidency would send the USA into a catastrophic downfall. I believed him to be a good man, a patriot, a statesman. He was someone I respected even though we were very different “politically”
He proved his honor again on the campaign trail, pushing back against his own supporters when they said untrue things about his opponent.
Aside from his choice of a whackadoo running mate, which I would like to believe was foisted on him by the machinations of his party rather than personal choice (I could be wrong there) I would have accepted a McCain presidency as “politics, as usual”
It’s true that after a disastrous Bush presidency I definitely had feelings of “anything but more of that” but none of this can hold a candle to the raging dumpster fire that is trump.
There will be absolutely no solace in the eventual “we fucking told you so” moment when the rest of America finally realizes what an absolute disaster trump is for our country, assuming we even have a country left when it happens. And that is not hyperbolic in the slightest.
I genuinely don’t know what it will take for his supporters to finally realize what they have done though it’s long standing wisdom that some people simply don’t appreciate the consequences of their actions until it punches them in the face.
We are already seeing the cracks in his base, people who voted for others to be harmed and are simply shocked to find out they too would suffer. “My daughter lost her federal job! She wasn’t a DEI hire! I wanted those “other” people to loose their jobs! Mr Trump please help!”
“I’m a veteran Mr Trump and I moved across the country for my new Job at the VA which has been eliminated, this must be some mistake, I voted for you twice!”
Believe me when I say from the bottom of my heart, “Poor fucking baby.”
But it’s not enough, not yet. Too many of his supporters are now twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain away his disastrous policies. People who were yelling about the price of eggs a few months ago and slapping Biden stickers on gas pumps suddenly have a much deeper understanding about how “complex market forces actually drive consumer prices, the president doesn’t have a lever in the Oval Office that magically sets the price of gas and eggs wherever it pleases him you stupid liberal.”
And that doesn’t even account for people like that slimy personification of little dick energy wearing his daddy’s suit that knows full well who Trump is, stated that he was Americas Hitler and vowed never to vote for him, only to stick his finger in the wind and decide it’s better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. I honestly didn’t think you could aspire to be a worse human being than trump but vance might very well be up to the challenge.
He, like a lot of trump supporters, know precisely how disgusting he is, but don’t care as long as they think his policies will benefit them. They would sell their daughters to him if it meant a nice tax break and they will lie to your face and tell you that he is a good Christian man and a patriot.
So here we are. What will it take for us to finally do something about this or are we going to yawn and go back to sleep while the country burns down around us?